Hi, today I am going to be showing you the work I did for this week, Social Justice week. My goal was to create a representation of a Beatitude each day including watching video. I gathered the information by researching people who are famous for their Beatitudes.
The Beatitude | Who lived it??? Write their name beside the Beatitude and try and find and image to name and an image! | What did they do to live this beatitude? | What can I do? |
All of them! | Father Lorenz Werthmann

| He was the founder of CARITAS! | I can...read Matthew 25: 31-40 and try to remember to live it too! |
He rawakore i roto i te Wairua - Poor in Spirit | St Francis of Assisi 
| Saint Francis of Assisi was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of wealth to live a life of poverty. | I will give to others, especially the homeless, sick and the poor. |
Tangi - Mourn |
Ngākau māhaki -Meek | Tom Hanks 
| Tom Hanks is also reputed to be one of the nicest guys to run into in Hollywood. Every fan who runs into him has written a post on how Tom Hanks is never unfriendly. | I can be kind to everyone I meet, even if they are mean to me. |
Te tū tika - Righteousness | Mary 
| She was a willing servant, trusting in God and obeying his call. | I will obey God's command whenever possible by showing empathy and gratitude. . |
Ngākau atawhai - Merciful |
He pono te Ngākau - Pure in heart | St Vincent de Paul 
| St. Vincent de Paul is primarily recognized for his charity and compassion for the poor. | I will donate to charities such as Cartitas. |
He kaitārei i te rongomau -Peacemakers | Jacinda Adern, PM 
| She has asked all New Zealanders to be kind during the Covid pandemic and when things have gone wrong in Aotearoa. | I can be a peacemaker at school and and home, caring for people who are not included, or stopping arguments when I see them happening💖 |
Te hunga e tūkinotia ana - Persecuted |
Reading the red-text above, what is your favourite and most-linked-to Beatitude?
Hello Gus, I think you didn't understand "poor in spirit" right, because poor in spirit means that they were not expecting Jesus or God to help them be blessed. But overall the others are good 😁. To answer you're question, I say my most favourite Beatitude is Pure in heart, and for the other question I'm probally most linked to is Meek.